A couple of weeks ago,
A Snapchat-like app, with the intention that users will use it as their photo album. Photo’s and videos are only visible for 72 hours to your friends. After that, you are the only one who can see it.
Similar to WeChat, users are unable to publicly like and comment shared content, similar to WeChat.
Some of its core features:
– Exclusive and unique effects and stickers
– Only private communication with your friends
– 72 hours of limited time visible
– Users are able to send 红包 to each other
– Strangers have limited communication
Since the launch of DuoShan 多闪,Douyin 抖音 has been advertising the app very aggressively. From videos to advertisement space on the notification page.
DuoShan 多闪 has not really taken off yet, but we believe it’s just a matter of time.